This teaching is about how salvation makes you more than a conqueror. It is the opening teaching of the camp and also gives a preview of other teachings to come. Becoming born again of God’s spirit is how it all started for us. God is rich in mercy and grace; He loved the world which had no hope. God so loved that He gave His son and rescued us. This is the miracle of all miracles. We went from being dead to being seated in the heavenlies, we are guaranteed eternal life, we’ve been forgiven of sins, and we are going to heaven where there won’t be any pain, not one tear. We’ve been delivered by the name of Jesus Christ and have been endued with power from on high. It is Christ in us, the hope of glory! We can’t act like it unless we think about who we are. If God delivered us from the power of darkness, then we are no longer under the Adversary’s power. God gave His son so that we can live more than abundantly in every category of life. There are incredible possibilities for the man of God to rise up. Step up, step out, go!
Number in series: 1 of 17
Part of collection: 2018 Summer Camp - More than Conquerors
Teacher/Author: Jerry Carr
Topics: The New Birth
Date: June 24, 2018