God wants us to know the things that He has freely given to us; this includes righteousness with full access to God, sanctification from the world to God, redemption through full payment, justification by God declaring men free from all guilt, reconciliation back to God, the manifestations of the holy spirit, power, and love. God gave us these things so that we can be blessed and happy no matter what we’ve been through. We should see ourselves as righteous and redeemed, not condemned. As we know and believe the things that have been freely given to us, we start producing fruit like peace, longsuffering, and gentleness. Believing our sonship rights helps us to be more than conquerors in manifestation. Wherever we walk, we walk with power because we know who we are: sons of God
Number in series: 2 of 17
Part of collection: 2018 Summer Camp - More than Conquerors
Teacher/Author: Jerry Carr
Topics: Sonship Rights
Date: June 24, 2018