This teaching focuses on one chapter, 1 Corinthians 7, which is written to the Church regarding God’s spiritual advice on relationships. All of our human relationships were designed to be a blessing but not a distraction from God. Topics covered include the love of God as the basis of relationships, premarital sex, sex in marriage, temptations, unmarried believers, widows, married Christians, and Christians married to non-Christians. The key to all these relationships is to walk with God. We don’t have time to lose focus from God with all of our human relationships and worldly things beyond our need. Enjoy your relationships in all these situations, but don’t get distracted from putting God first and manifesting the love of God in the renewed mind.
Number in series: 3 of 7
Part of collection: 2000 Northern Area Advance - The Love of God in the Christian Family
Teacher/Author: Bob Chatten
Topics: Love, Marriage, Family, and Children, Keeping God First
Date: May 13, 2000