This teaching contrasts the results of believing and of fear. Fear issues in unbelief and defeats the promises of God. It prevents us from being the people we want to be. If we are afraid, we should replace that fear with the truth of the Word in our minds and take appropriate actions by acting on the Word of God. If Peter played it safe and stayed on the boat, he would never have been able to do the impossible and walk on the water. In the Old Testament, they were supposed to claim the Promised Land with believing. One record shows the children of Israel elevating the sense knowledge report over the promise of God, and then fear issued in unbelief. Fear and unbelief kept them out of the Promised Land. They could have gone in right away but instead wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. In another record, the people entered into the Promised Land because of believing. Today we don’t have the Promised Land, but we do have God’s promises. We are to claim what we have by believing just like the Israelites did with the Promised Land. We live by believing concerning the Son of God and his accomplishments. Get rid of fear and believe God instead.
Number in series: 6 of 17
Part of collection: 2019 Summer Camp - Be Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might
Teacher/Author: Steve Zolezzi
Topics: Believing, Overcoming Fear
Date: June 25, 2019