2023 Youth Advance – Renewed Mind Key to Power

The 2023 Youth Advance was a four-day event at the end of the summer for believers ages 12 through 20s focusing on God’s Word, fellowship, and fun. It took place at a camp called New Life Island located on an island in the Delaware River and included meals and overnight housing. The theme verse was Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Some of the things that were emphasized were that we can renew our minds to God’s Word and that we can change our minds to the truth of God’s Word and be transformed. We can help change the world one person at a time; the first person is me.

Date: August 24, 2023 - August 27, 2023

Locations: New Life Island (Upper Black Eddy, PA)

Topics: Renewed Mind, Boldness and Confidence

Individual Sessions or Teachings

3 of 13

Stephanie Hernandez

4 of 13

Tim Gilmore

5 of 13

Alberto Penna

6 of 13

Jesse Carr

7 of 13

Patrick Hanan

8 of 13

Andres Flores, Kaitlyn Nickerson, Shannon Solazzo, Esmeralda Leon, Caleb Gocher

10 of 13

Various Musicians

PO Box 838, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

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Downloads from 2023 Youth Advance – Renewed Mind Key to Power



The Will of God – Romans 12:1-2

Teaching - Audio

Be Not Conformed to This World

Teaching - Audio

Transformed: The How

Teaching - Audio

Condemnation and Forgiveness

Teaching - Audio

Controlling Our Mind

Teaching - Audio

Who We Are

Teaching - Audio

I Can Do

Teaching - Audio

Verses to Renew Your Mind To

Teaching - Audio

Change and Help Change the World

Teaching - Audio

2023 Youth Advance Live Music

Teaching - Audio

Boldness and Confidence to Live the Word

Teaching - Audio

Boldness and Confidence to Share the Word

Teaching - Audio

2023 Youth Advance Closing Sharing

Teaching - Audio