Romans 3:21 – 4:25

The New Birth Sonship Rights Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 10/26/2007 10/26/2007

This teaching begins by going back to the Old Testament to see man’s Fall and his inability to pay the legal penalty necessary for salvation from the consequences of that Fall. It shows how God, because of His justness and mercy, planned how to provide a legal solution – someone completely innocent who would give his life as a ransom, paying to overcome the sin nature. It talks about what God did to temporarily cover man’s sin until the Messiah could come and then shows how, in Romans Chapter 4, God puts to rest all arguments against His righteousness. The teaching closes with “what” we’re to believe in order to accept and receive the wholeness Christ made available.

Some Benefits of Working God’s Way

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/28/2004 03/28/2004

This series closes out by looking at some more benefits of working God’s way. When we are living other parts of our lives for God and with God, motivated by the love of God and in fellowship with God, then our work is also part of the “work of the Lord” as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:58 . Work, biblically defined, is designed to be a joyous fellowship with God in anticipation of Christ’s return.

Some Godly Attitudes and Principles We Can Apply at Work

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/28/2004 03/28/2004

This session opens 2 Thessalonians talking about how we can live and work putting the Word in practice while we are waiting for Christ’s return. Work was designed by God to be in done in fellowship with Him. The teaching stresses the importance of keeping our eyes on the spiritual, putting God first, and to strive to firstly master our true vocation which is that of being sons of God. Some examples are given of godly and ethical work habits we want to build so as not to compromise on God’s Word. And, lastly, we are encouraged to build a habit of obedience from the heart, knowing that our reward comes from God.

Work Was Designed to be Done in Fellowship with God

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/28/2004 03/28/2004

Every since the Garden of Eden, when Adam worked together with God by way of the spirit that enabled them to walk and talk together, work was designed by God to be one of the greatest ways to fellowship with Him. Looked at Biblically, genuine work is something done with believing and motivated by the love of God with our eyes on the hope of Christ’s return. As we work, we can ask God to teach us and we’re building our capacity to walk with God in spiritual matters as well.

The Law of Giving and Receiving

A More Abundant Life in Every Category

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/21/2004 03/21/2004

Here we turn to the law of giving and receiving as it applies in the Grace Administration. The right heart of giving that God wants to see is demonstrated by the churches of Macedonia. Here we can see the three-way commitment on the part of the believers, ministers, and God that makes this work as God designed it to. It explains how God associates our giving with sowing seed, where believing and love are the fertilizers. When we invest by giving, God always multiplies the seed sown in our harvesting.

The Law of Giving and Receiving

What God Wants You To Give is Yourself

Prosperity Sonship Rights Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/21/2004 03/21/2004

We start by reminding ourselves that God’s prosperity is not something that we automatically manifest in our lives just because we’re sons of God. Along with maintaining our fellowship with God, there are two great actions on our part required in order to enjoy the prosperity God has made available – giving and working. And what does God want us to give him? Ourselves! The teaching addresses in depth the spiritual law of giving and receiving, showing many categories of giving talked about in the Bible which are not just monetary. With that as background, we look at tithing and the heart and place it has in God’s design.

Keeping God First

PO Box 838, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

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