Keeping Your Life Simple

Prosperity Sonship Rights Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/21/2004 03/21/2004

God has given us freedom in Christ and, therefore, doesn’t want us entangled or bound up in the world. From God’s perspective, our lives are not our own but belong to God because we’ve been bought with the price of the life of His son. We then cover some practical ways in which we can keep God first and not sell out to the world by keeping our life simple. Lastly, it closes with David’s example of a believer with a great heart to desire to understand and to fellowship with God.

Keeping God First

God Wants to Meet Our Every Need

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/21/2004 03/21/2004

In this session we see God’s desire to meet our every need, that spiritual things ought to be our primary pursuit and are the true riches in life. Since God has promised to meet our needs, the teaching goes on to look at what a need is Biblically.  It handles a record dealing with God’s willingness to meet the needs of the individual and shows how needs vary from person to person. We don’t all have to need the same thing. In closing, it addresses our willingness to go to God and trust Him to meet our needs above any other source.

God’s True Prosperity and the True Riches

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/19/2004 03/19/2004

This session looks at how the key to prosperity is always in the spiritual realm and tied to fellowship with God. It handles how God’s design for life for His people is to bless them and meet their every need. That’s His job and one He’s perfectly equipped to carry out. Our job, according to God’s Word, is to simply love and obey God, maintain fellowship with Him, and glorify Him.

Fellowship with God

Prosperity is a Spiritual Matter

Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/19/2004 03/19/2004

In this opening teaching, we cover God’s heart and design for prosperity, how He wants to take care of His kids. From Ephesians we see God’s great purpose in making us His children, which is to reverence and glorify Him. God’s true prosperity that is a spiritual thing and will yield fruit that manifests manifests itself in the physical realm. In order to manifest God’s true prosperity, we need to keep our priorities in proper order, seeking and investing in our relationship with our heavenly Father before all else. Fellowship with God is the basis of all true prosperity.

Fellowship with God

God’s Law of Prosperity

God’s Law of Prosperity Believing Prosperity Daggon Home (Budd Lake, NJ) Chatten, Bob 03/19/2004 03/28/2004

This series is intended to set a vision for God’s desire is for His people to prosper in every category of life. It shows that true prosperity is spiritual prosperity and that material prosperity is really a reflection or by-product of our relationship with God. When we seek the blessings without first seeking the Blessor, the God who sees and provides for His people, it doesn’t work for us. But when we keep our focus on God as our sufficiency, then things in life flow as He designed them to. The teachings cover two of the major principles God has set up for us to apply in order the receive the abundance and prosperity He wants to shower us with – our giving and our work. The last sessions in the series more specifically cover some ways we can apply God’s Word at work and the blessings that come from that important part of life.

PO Box 838, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Downloads from God’s Law of Prosperity



Prosperity is a Spiritual Matter

Teaching - Audio

God’s True Prosperity and the True Riches

Teaching - Audio

God Wants to Meet Our Every Need

Teaching - Audio

Keeping Your Life Simple

Teaching - Audio

What God Wants You To Give is Yourself

Teaching - Audio

A More Abundant Life in Every Category

Teaching - Audio

Work Was Designed to be Done in Fellowship with God

Teaching - Audio

Some Godly Attitudes and Principles We Can Apply at Work

Teaching - Audio

Some Benefits of Working God’s Way

Teaching - Audio

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