The Rights We Have as Sons of God

Sonship Rights The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Shaak, Erin 12/31/2011 12/31/2011

Ten sonship rights are covered in this teaching, although we are told that there are many more. It is up to us to claim these rights as citizens of heaven. When we believe and act on them, we have an awesome life, we show some of God’s grace and power, and we introduce others to this more than abundant life.


Believing The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Cinardo, Chris 12/30/2011 12/30/2011

Just as dynamite requires something to ignite it for its power to be realized, believing is the catalyst that makes God’s Word go. God gave us His Word so that we can get results. In this teaching, we cover what God says about believing and how to believe His Word, including examples that compare and contrast Peter’s believing in the Gospels with his believing in the Book of Acts.

How to Take Care of Others

The Great Mystery Love The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Mercado, Dean 12/30/2011 12/30/2011

This teaching is split into four practical sections on how to care for others: (1) decide to love others and walk in love, (2) consider others before yourself, (3) believe God works in you, and (4) follow up with people to see how they are doing. We are very valuable to God, and we can decide to make other people valuable to us.

Lifestyle of a Believer

Speaking the Word to Ourselves

Renewed Mind The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Gilmore, Michael 12/30/2011 12/30/2011

This teaching is a good reminder to keep our minds on God’s Word and that God knows more than we do. God’s Word has a promise for anything we need; we can learn those verses and let them permeate our hearts and minds. We are often caring and patient with others, so let’s be patient with our own frailties too. As a practical exercise in applying what was taught, at the beginning, before the teaching began, each person was given an index card and was asked write something  on it that they “hated” about themselves. Then, at the end of the teaching, the teacher read what people wrote (without mentioning who they were) and the group all contributed verses that that person could apply to think God’s Word of him or herself.

Speaking the Word in the Gospels

Renewed Mind Witnessing and Undershepherding The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Carr, Jerry 12/29/2011 12/29/2011

This teaching covers examples of Jesus Christ speaking the Word, preaching, healing people, and exhibiting the power of God. Seeing these records, we learn about the mind of Christ that we are to put on, and we remember that we can do the same things that he did and more. His example helps us to help people.

2011 Lightbearers

Leadership and Service Receiving the Holy Spirit and Manifestations Sonship Rights Witnessing and Undershepherding The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Various Teachers 12/29/2011 01/01/2012

Lightbearers 2011 was a four day weekend event at the end of 2011 and into New Year’s Day 2012 for believers ages 13 – 30.  People from outside of the Milltown area were housed with local believers during the weekend. With the theme verse being 1 Thessalonians 1:8: “For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God is spread abroad so that we need not to speak any thing,” in addition to the teachings it included significant time out witnessing. The fellowship on Friday evening, December 30th, was also open to believers who were not participating in the whole weekend and many came to join in the Word and the fun that evening.

PO Box 838, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Downloads from 2011 Lightbearers



Speaking the Word in the Gospels

Teaching - Audio

Speaking the Word to Ourselves

Teaching - Audio

How to Take Care of Others

Teaching - Audio


Teaching - Audio

The Rights We Have as Sons of God

Teaching - Audio

Speaking in Tongues in the Book of Acts

Teaching - Audio

Overcoming Fear

Teaching - Audio

God’s Faithfulness to Us and Our Faithfulness to God

Teaching - Audio

Service in the Book of Philippians

Teaching - Audio

You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

Teaching - Audio

So Mightily Grew the Word of God and Prevailed

Teaching - Audio

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