Building It the Right Way

Building It the Right Way Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Zolezzi, Steve 04/16/2016

The teaching shows how we can build our marriages according to God’s Word with God’s provision, which is Jesus Christ the chief cornerstone, instead of going man’s way, which emphasizes man’s work rather than the work God did in Christ. We see that as the Word saturates our minds and life, it will saturate our marriage. As we build our lives on Christ, walk in love, and let God’s Word dwell in us richly, our marriages become a microcosm of the great Mystery based on the works of Christ.

2016-2017 Married Couples’ Fellowship Teachings

2016-2017 Married Couples’ Fellowship Teachings Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Various Teachers 04/16/2016 10/21/2017

This is a collection of teachings from Married Couples’ Fellowship nights that took place on Saturdays throughout 2016 and 2017.

Being Naked and Not Ashamed

Being Naked and Not Ashamed Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Hunt, Tony 12/05/2015

The teaching starts out explaining how man and woman were originally naked and not ashamed before God, but after sin came in, they were ashamed and no longer were open, comfortable, and confident with God. The teacher shows examples of the walk of unbelief that came from this shame. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice made us righteous before God, making us pleasing in His sight despite our weaknesses and frailties. We believed and accepted God’s grace and can now stand before Him naked and without shame. The teacher shows examples of how we can live in grace with God and one another in our marriage with our spouse.

godly sorrow, circumcision, day of atonement

Sex…and Some Other Things

Sex…and Some Other Things Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Armstrong, Joe 08/29/2015

This teaching explains the obligations couples have to each other when they decide to marry. It explains different meanings of words pertaining to this subject like render, benevolence, power, defraud, and incontinency. It warns us how Satan can tempt married couples if they leave a door open for him to come in, reminding us this is a spiritual world that we live in. A wife’s submission and the husband’s authority are covered plus how a husband’s love for his wife and a wife’s respect for her husband bring out the best in each other. It talks about the meaning of a wife keeping silence and also of not disrespecting her husband in public. The teacher covers what a meek and quiet spirit is in a woman and the qualities of a virtuous woman.

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