Our Spouse – Our Friend

Our Spouse – Our Friend The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Carr, Jerry 04/25/2015

This resource is still being cataloged in order to give you a full description, Scripture list, and other information about it here. In the meantime, you can still enjoy listening to the teaching or download it.

Marriage Was Designed for Believers

Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Chatten, Bob 01/24/2015

The teacher covers the practical side of Ephesians which tells how faithful believers in Christ are to walk and treat each other. Marriage is based on believers who are faithful and consistent in the things of God following these instructions. A checklist of characteristics of a faithful believer is gone over, and we are shown how a husband and wife walking in alignment with God and in step with each other advance together and glorify God. The teacher also talks about the arrangement of submitting being the key to all godly relationships and God designed it this way to allow Him to take care of us.

Be Content

Be Content Prosperity Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Gilmore, Michael 10/11/2014

This teaching shows that God desires to meet our needs on a daily basis, while the adversary tricks believers, especially young married couples, into thinking they need more. We learn that we do not need a stockpile of stuff but, instead, need to simply trust God to meet our needs day by day by day. We are encouraged to trust God and keep our eyes on things above instead of trusting in uncertain riches in this world. We are also reminded that our ultimate job and goal in this short life is to move God’s Word as a husband-and-wife team, and we see a few Biblical examples of that.

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