Becoming One Flesh

Becoming One Flesh Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Hunt, Tony 08/16/2014

This teaching covers three keys in becoming one flesh. 1. Equality: we each have an equal standing before God. We are equal but not identical. 2. Humility: we submit to one another because of our humility before God and our choosing to live according to His will as Christ was humble before God. Wives submitting to husbands is covered as well as what the husband’s responsibility is before God as the head. 3. Unity: we are members of each other. We see ways in how we can build each other up in the One Body.

A Night Under the Stars with God at Ephesus

A Night Under the Stars with God at Ephesus Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Carr, Diane 04/26/2014

The teaching covers how a marriage works according to God’s Word and how we can carry our growth in the knowledge of God’s Word into our marriage. The teaching also looks at how wives are to submit with proper arrangement to their husbands, how a husband can love his wife as Christ loved the Church, the orientalism of “not having spot or wrinkle” in Ephesians, and, also in Ephesians, the manner of life we are expected to carry out as a married couple.

Depend on God

Depend on God Marriage, Family and Children The Fellowlaborers’ House (2 Baier) Armstrong, Joe 02/01/2014

This teaching shares that in a marriage a spouse is to help and assist their spouse, but it is God that is the most important part of their marriage. The teacher shows from the Word that your happiness comes from your relationship with God and that is what you can bring to your spouse. It’s God that is faithful, that keeps His promises, that doesn’t disappoint, and that is always fair. People are limited and may not understand you, but God isn’t limited and is acquainted with all your ways. In order to have a good marriage, it is God that we need to seek first.

Keeping God First

PO Box 838, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

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