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The Bible Through the Ages: From the Original Languages to the Present Day


Patrick D. Malone


General Bible Study


Printed book


Bible History/Geography, Keys to Research


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The author examines the course the Bible took from God’s Divine revelation to the Book we hold in our hands. Along the way, it answers such questions as: In what languages was God’s Word originally written? How did historical events impact the writing of the Bible? How did the canon of the Bible come about? Who chose which books were included, and when did that happen? Why do some Bibles have more books than others? What is the Apocrypha? Why was it included in early Protestant Bibles? Should it be included in the Scriptural canon? What is the history behind the King James Version? What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? What is textual criticism? What exactly is a Critical Greek text? Why are there so many different English versions of the Bible? Which one is best? Are some better than others?

Why We Recommend This Item

This book answers many of the questions that both believers and people skeptical of the Bible have about how we got the Bible in the form we have it now and why we can trust that it is the Word of God. Written by a believer.


Patrick D. Malone


General Bible Study


Printed book


Bible History/Geography, Keys to Research


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For orders up to $100.00 in value, there is a flat shipping fee of $5.00 via USPS Media Mail.

For orders over $100.00 in value, the shipping fee is 5% of the value of the order.

We only ship to addresses in the United States at this time

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Why We Recommend This Item

This book answers many of the questions that both believers and people skeptical of the Bible have about how we got the Bible in the form we have it now and why we can trust that it is the Word of God. Written by a believer.