This teaching was taught in Spanish by Luis Mero. The English audio here is the live translation done by Chris Chatten.
There is power behind being thankful because a thankful heart changes our perspective which leads to changes in situations. A thankful heart recognizes the greatness of God’s Word. The more we learn God’s Word and what’s available in it, the more we have to be thankful for. Gratitude should be a lifestyle; you can be thankful in every situation because you know God gives deliverance. Being thankful is living life in all it’s fullness. The teacher goes to scriptures to see some things we can be thankful for.
Number in series: 8 of 10
Part of collection: 2021 Online Advance - A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine
Teacher/Author: Luis Alexander Mero
Topics: Renewed Mind, Thankfulness
Date: June 06, 2021