In this teaching, we see that the spirit we have been given from God is of power and love and a sound mind rather than fear. Fear is a product of negative believing, which is wrong believing, and if you are afraid, you are missing something in the true, spiritual realities. We are more than conquerors in all things, we are confident in God’s love for us, and we have the spirit of God in Christ in us at all times, so we don’t need to be afraid. The Word of God is the one thing that is necessary for us in our day-to-day lives above all other things. As we think the things of the Word, the things that are true, we can think good, sound thoughts and not be anxious about anything.
Number in series: 3 of 14
Part of collection: 2023 Summer Camp - God's Prevailing Word
Teacher/Author: Patrick Hanan
Topics: Renewed Mind
Date: July 04, 2023