We have two responsibilities with spiritual knowledge as a Christian family – to know it and to share it. Teaching children God’s Word takes repetition and does not happen overnight. The Word of God gets passed down from generation to generation when it is lived and taught in the family. Timothy learned about believing God from his mother and grandmother. The first priority, even over football practice and ballet class, is make an effort to teach kids about the beginning of knowledge, which is God’s Word. Whether we are parents who want to pass along God’s Word to their children, children who need learn God’s Word to stand, or people in the body of Christ who want to speak God’s Word, there needs to be desire and effort to plant, water, and hold forth the Word of life to see outreach. As believers, it is our responsibility and joy to be able to share God’s Word with people and our children so they can walk worthy of God.
Number in series: 7 of 7
Part of collection: 2000 Northern Area Advance - The Love of God in the Christian Family
Teacher/Author: Steve Zolezzi
Topics: Marriage, Family, and Children, Witnessing and Undershepherding
Date: May 14, 2000